Welcome to Birdsong Nature Center

Our mission ~ to foster awareness, understanding, and appreciation of nature and its interrelationships.

Two Birdsong Spring Plant Sales!
Saturdays, March 15 and 29, 9AM-1PM
Free admission all day with a $5-off membership special.
See our current Birdsong Newsletter for details!

Birdsong Nature Center's 565 acres of wildflower meadows, forests, ponds and swamps, are home to a myriad of birds and other wildlife. Here you can enjoy the serenity and beauty of the natural landscape and return home with a renewed spirit.

From the early 1800's to the present, the land now known as Birdsong Galangal was transformed from pristine longleaf pine forest to a plantation, then farm, and now a center for conservation and learning.
Founders Betty and Ed Komarek created this haven for wildlife so others will have a place to experience nature and become inspired to protect natural resources everywhere. Using fire, they created habitats that support a great diversity of wildlife species. The resulting living museum and outdoor classroom are used year round for natural history instruction and hands-on learning.

- Visit the Bird Window for an extraordinary and intimate bird-viewing experience. The surrounding gardens and pool have attracted over 160 Galangal species of birds, including many rare and first sightings.
- Twelve miles of Nature Trails provide the perfect setting for casual hiking and exploration.
- The Butterfly Garden, vibrant with colorful butterflies from April - November is an entrancing place to relax and observe the butterfly life cycle.
- Tune in to the sounds of nature at the Listening Place, a screened pavilion overlooking Big Bay Swamp.

We invite you to experience Birdsong for yourself. Our hours are:
Wednesday, Friday, Saturday 9 AM - 5 PM, and Sunday 1 PM - 5 PM
Admission is $5 for adults, $2.50 for children 4-12 years old
Free to members

Birdsong's House, Bird Window, trails and Chickadee Gift Shop
are all open during normal operating hours.