It’s plant sale time again! On March 21, 9am— 1pm, Birdsong will hold its 14th Old-Timey Plant Sale.
Every year we think of new ways to make the sale run smoothly and to make the area interesting and pleasing to the eye. John Brinson at Monticello Nurseries gave us dozens of boxwood bushes and this year we plan to “landscape,” lining walkways and creating vistas with rows of boxwoods. We’re also getting some fine big magnolia trees from John that will serve as focal points (until they are sold).
Dreaming up these creative ideas is fun while sitting in an easy chair on long winter evenings, but putting it all together in one short day is hard work for our many volunteers. We would love to have your help. Call 229 377 4408 if you’d like to work on Thursday March 19, the main set-up day. We will provide a hearty lunch from Grits in Cairo for all who come to help.
We also want to remind everyone of the pre-sale Preview Party on Friday March 20 starting at 6:00. This is always a beautiful evening at Birdsong. Everything will be in place and just so, not yet messed about by Saturday’s eager shoppers. Delicious food will be served by Lagran Saunders and Ben Baldwin, we’ll have music by The Biscuit Boys, oysters on the half shell, beer and wine. Let us know by Friday March 13 if you’d like to attend. The cost is $100 for one person, $150 for two. Attending the party is an extremely pleasant way to contribute to Birdsong and buy plants before the Saturday crowds.
We hope to see you on one or all of these days! - June White
Birdsong Nature Center’s Old-Timey Plant Sale Committee is working hard to make this fourteenth annual sale the best ever.
The sale will offer a varied and extensive collection of beloved old garden plants, heirloom tomatoes, and plants for butterflies and birds. There will be lots of native trees, shrubs, and perennials especially suited to our area, including many varieties of wild azaleas, and some rare and unusual native plants. Knowledgeable and friendly horticulturists will be volunteering at the sale to help you make a selection for your own garden. Come out and welcome Spring at the Birdsong Plant Sale!
Lunch: hot dogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers and more, or bring a picnic.
The Old-Timey Plant Sale Preview Party is being held on Friday evening, March 20th. Patrons may purchase plants in advance of the sale; there will be wine, hors d'oeuvres and music. The cost is $100 per person or $150 for a couple. Payment and registration must be received in the Birdsong office by Friday March 13th. Please call for more information 229-377-4408.
We need volunteers to help - on Wednesday, March 18th, to rope off the parking lot and set up the plant station signs. - on Thursday March 19th - this is our biggest set-up day, including labeling, pricing, and placing plants and signs, setting up tents and tables, and more. We provide a lovely lunch for the volunteers on this day. - on Saturday, March 21st, sale day, we need volunteers to work 2-3 hour shifts between 8 AM and 2 PM. These jobs may include: parking, greeting visitors, answering the phone, working at Birdsong’s Gift Shop, serving food and drinks, helping transport customers’ purchases to their cars and tearing down.
Please call 229-377-4408 or email for more information and to sign up!
Please note that Plat Sale informationq can also be found in the Birdsong Newsletter, and on our Events section on Facebook.
Please call 229-377-4408 or email for more information.